100 Things every Musician Should Know

By May 26, 2016Uncategorized

1. The difference between a recording and a composition.

2. The difference between a record label and a publisher.

3. Who owns the rights to your recordings, and who owns the rights to your publishing.

4. What publishing is.

5. How lyrics fit into publishing, and how splits around lyrics are calculated.

6. Whether you need a deal with a publisher.

7. What a typical publishing contract looks like in 2016.

8. What a typical recording contract looks like in 2016.

9. What a ‘360’ degree label contract is.

10. Whether a major label contract makes sense for you, and the trade-offs involved.


For 90 more see Publisher Paul Resnikoff’s full article on Digital Music News


Image by Pablo Bou, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC by 2.o).

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